Fuck A Duck
I caught our ducks screwing today, in our pond. I think I must have embarassed them because when I went out to film them, being the duck voyeur that I am, they got out of the pond and waddled away. Only waddled though, I would have thought that by now they would have associated seeing me with the swift following of a flying slipper, but it seems they aren't that clever yet. Or maybe they are cleverer than I thought and they can associate three things -me - flying slipper - darkness. Who knows how clever they are? Really, who?
I haven't posted much lately because I've been busy trying to write my dissertation for my degree. Have I mentioned that here yet? I'm doing a BA with honours (woop woop at honours - whatever it means) in Consumer Studies at Liverpool John Moores University. What's consumer studies I hear you all ask, some of you maybe even mockingly. I have great difficulty answering this question, but I don't really care to justify it to you. I chose this degree because it's a topic I knew I'd enjoy, that is understanding how, and what motivates people to 'consume.' And I was right. I once went down the line of doing a degree which is respectable, and at a 'proper' uni, but I hated it in both respects. I dropped out of Civil Engineering at the University of Glasgow. Red brick Universities focus generally on research, and not teaching, and I hated the subject, so generally I wan't happy there. I learnt from my mistake. So I'm happy doing what I'm doing, although currently stressed. Anyway, I'm only 387 words in, and I've done an interview. The woman I interviewed wants to try to censor me, because she thinks what I'm writing is too political. I won't go into the where's and what for's of my dissertation, but I'm not going to let anyone censor and have me compromise on my final grading. If she didn't want it printing she shouldn't have said what she said. It was the first time I ever interviewed anyone, and I think I was good actually, managed to dig deeply, and get her to say stuff she's gone on to regret. I guess I learnt my skills of interrogation as a car salesman, turning info customers gave me against them. Or maybe it's just years of being nosey.
Valentines day has been and gone. I got no cards, and I didn't expect to. I haven't really put myself out there enough to get much interest. Although I do seemingly have a secret admirer, which is a little exciting. This manifested itself, when I recieved an e-card a few days before valentines day not sure it holds any link to Valentines day. I'm still trying to interpret the message though, and now I'm starting to think I'm looking into it all too deep. I was going to delete that cos I look like a nob, but I'm trying to have this policy of not deleting anything I type as they are just my thoughts, and that's what I want to put here, I only go back to correct typos. I guess this is why I write such shit. If my blog was a TV programme I think that it would have been dropped about 3 messages in. The first couple of shows were okay, it was fresh and still hyped up, but now it's got stale quickly and is just garbage. Nevermind, I'm gonna keep on producing. Anyway, I don't really like valentines day. I don't think gay men can really celebrate it the same as straight people. That might just be my fear of prejudice. I once screwed up on valentines day with an ex. I was living in Glasgow, and he was in Liverpool and I never sent him a card. He never let me forget that, well that could have been my take on things, but it actually really hurt him, and in fact it made things a bit rocky. I wasn't very good to him to be honest, I let him down in lots of ways, and eventually it bit me in the arse. When his Grandmother died I never came home from Glasgow to help him through the grieving process, at a time I knew he needed me most, and I also failed to keep a promise of going with him to his sisters wedding, all because of my obsession with work (I was selling cars for a year in Glasgow). Anyway in the latter case he met someone else at the wedding. I was in the process of moving back to Liverpool with the intention of getting a flat with him, and after I moved back he let me in on the bad news. He had met a girl! I had been with him for a couple of years, and we were each others first real partners. I did the right thing and I told him he had to do what was right for him. It destroyed me, and sent me a bit loopy. I wasn't out at the time, and felt I couldn't talk to anyone about it, but I knew I had done the right thing. He's since gone on to marry the girl, and so I did do the right thing. As long as he did. Me and my ex never really spoke again after all that. In fact he just dissapeared pretty much. He gave up all his friends as they were our friends (we'd known each other since school). I didn't ask him to do that, so I guess he was having a tough time too. Or maybe he just moved on. No one really knows except him. I'd love to see how he's getting on though, and hope he is well. Incidentally I saw his wife this morning on the train. She looked quiet uncomfortable, although we didn't speak (pretended we didn't know each other - I only met her twice anyway) but it made me wonder if he ever told her. So what did I learn from my relationship? I learnt what love is, and that it's amazing and awful, and I learnt that relationships are never going to be easy, and recquire lots of hard work if you are both going to be happy. It also made me realise that anyone can find someone special, no matter what the circumstance, which is why I don't feel under any pressure to find someone despite the fact I'm ageing (not that I feel old). I'm only 25 for fucks sake, but I know of some people who are just jumping into relationships because they are scared of their age. That's not for me.
I got my exam results this week for my work from last semester. I'm 1% away from a 2:1, so I'll pull it back no problem, I'm sure. I'm enjoying my modules this year, and just need to get on with my dissertation. And more uni news, I got my work based learning placement where I wanted. It looks like i'm going to be working at the charity Sahir House for 5 weeks www.sahir.uk.com It's a charity helping people living with AIDS. I chose this for a number of reasons. One, I need to try something completely different before I commit my life to some sort of retail, just to see what I might be missing. And two because it's a charity that interests me, and I support. My first experience of Sahir house was on the last world aids day, and Liverpool's Catholic Cathedral held an AIDS vigil. I went because I was studying round the corner, and needed a break, and I wanted to see what was going on. It was amazing, and there was a host of speakers telling their stories. One that will stand with me forever was from a girl who was associated with Sahir House. She was young, pretty, healthy looking and beutiful. She stood very bravely in front of the huge audience and the first thing she said was "Hi, I'm Laura, and I'm 23. I contracted AIDS 5 years ago on my first sexual experience." Shortly after she broke down in tears, and it really really touched me. As she spoke it became so clear that she was a beutiful person. Caring, honest and never hurt a soul. This world is fucked up...where's the justice?!?
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