Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Brain Tumour

I went to the docs today, after a week of headaches. I knew I had to go, but sometimes you need that push, and I got it last night from a worried friend who said I must go. It seems it's just synasitus, so it's nothing serious. My instructions are to take three antibiotic tablets a day, and see how things go. Nothing to worry about after all.

I got a new toy today. Actually I got two. The first, less interesting one is a beard trimmer. Not that I have a beard. Nor do I in anyway condone beards. It's for styling my sideburns, to make me look cool and sophisticated. And I can use it. The second is bluetooth for my PC. I have this so I can download songs, mp3s I think, onto my phone. Here is my current ring tone http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.rankin/clips/goistr2.mp3 I hope that link thingy works. I'm pleased with this toy, however, being a mong I'm having trouble getting the song I wanted the most onto it, my all time favourite, The Boy With the Arab Strap by Belle and Sebastian. It dosn't seem to want me to have that, not sure why.

I just tried to add a photograph to break up the monotony of todays boring post but it seems I've made it impossible for me to ever add photos now. You see to add photographs you have to add an additional bit of kit to your PC which can be sent through the wires. I don't fully understand why I can't just copy and paste, but their you go. Anyway I did that and that's how you get to see the first photo. You remember, the one where I look dead camp, and where, as a friend of mine just pointed out, you can see my Mum's bush through the window. Made you look. I cant use that bit of kit anymore because for a second go I have to verify my e-mail and I have deleted the e-mail needed to verify my e-mail, and I can't seem to get a new e-mail to verify my e-mail. Would someone mind just telling the people in charge of that bit of kit that my e-mail address is emilbird@gmail.com much obliged. So isn't that just brilliant, you'll just have to cope with words. But here's a nob oIo Kind of. Actually it's not really is it. If your nob looks like that see a doctor, that might be just the kick up the arse you needed. Incidentally the photo was going to be of me and my friend Stuart Cornes in Tunisia where they filmed a film you may have heard of, Star Wars. It wasn't because the view was amazing, or that I in anyway like Star Wars, in fact I've not seen either of those films, but because it made my friend, that's Stuart Cornes look like the fat bastard he is. Did you ever see the film Austin Powers with the character Fat Bastard? Well imagine him with an arabs twat hat on pretending to hold a glow torch and you have got the idea. Stuart Cornes didn't want me to put that pic up, and as I can't I just thought I'd give it an accurate description.

I have a friend on MSN right now and he's talking to me, or in fact lecturing me because I didn't take the chance to get involved with a lad I know, who is very interested in me. I'll tell you about this lad. He's 18, very good looking and seems intelligent enough. He's deaf. A night out with him is very difficult. Everything has to be written down, and things just don't come across too well in paper for me. And conversation is slow, and I'm starting to sound shallow and self absorbed. But I can't get involved with someone just because he has an impairment and may have potential. He's lovely, but seeing him makes me groan. It's difficult to hold group discussion involving him, and doing it in front of him seems too rude for me. So everything is intense. I convey this to my MSN friend and he says I should just have a one night stand with him. Well that's not what I want, and I hate that most gay men think that that's what it's all about. I'm getting fed up here. I think I'll talk about sex some more some time, but I'm pissed off now. Why am I embarrased because I don't shag around? I'm going to ponder that thought.

First day back at uni today, found out don't get results till mid Feb because the works have gone to external examiners. And I still haven't heard about Japan. Uni was good. Enjoyed my lecture. Blah blah blah!


At 7:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it may be a little insensitive to talk like this about a deaf friend who may well read it.

Its not kind or nice to rub your own prejudice into his face - although it is commendably honest of you to write it.. its perhaps unkind to remind a person that he is being rejected because of something which he cannot help, and whilst I have no doubt that you wouldnt have the heart (thankfully) to say such things to his face - that may in fact be what you are doing, should he read this.

Learn BSL you lazy arse !


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