Sunday, February 06, 2005


That was all a bit glum wasn't it? I feel a lot better now that I've sobered up, and had a sleep. I was just being a big drama queen last night. I am gutted, but things aren't all that bad. I just need to think about doing something else now. It was just all a bit sudden for me, I hadn't expected to recieve a letter of rejection, they had said if you haven't progressed to the next stage they just wouldn't be in touch. So when I saw the letter, I figured it was giving me an interview date, and then I was gutted when I realised why they had sent it. They don't tell me why, but I guess that's not too important.
As for my friends, well I have loads of really good and close frinds, and I love them all. It's just that some good old friends have drifted, we seem to be wanting different things. They are all settling down and getting hitched and paying mortgages, and I'm still partying.

We've got thes ducks that visit out pond every now and then. I want to kill them. If one is there, and it's partner isnt'y it will quack and quack and quack all night, normally about 4 in the morning. I'm going to kill them. I have been known to chase them round the garden in my boxers throwing my slippers at them. They just don't get the message that they are unwelcome outside my bedroom window. Will rat poison help? Someone suggested a mouse trap to break it's beak. Sounds fair to me.


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