Friday, January 21, 2005

All round his room!

Well it seems my last installment caused a bit of a stir. I was once told that I was one of those people who always had to have the last word, so I've decided on this occasion I'm gonna keep schtum.

I got the bus to work today. I used to hate public transport, but I have to use it now. I can't afford a car any more. I don't think not owning a car is saving me money, it just means I can drink more and not worry about the consequences. The reason for not having a car anymore is that I couldn't budget properly and I bounced my insurance direct debit too many times. It's quiet cool actually - I get to read my books more now when I'm travelling. This morning I was waiting for a bus and was approached by a Chinese looking guy wearing sun glasses. "Are you a school boy." I responded that I wasn't. "I have a message from our Lord" he said and he handed me a piece of paper. I remembered this guy as soon as he saw him. I had remembered that when I was about 12 exactly the same thing had happened, but that time I never read what the piece of paper said, he scared me too much. This time I did.

Peace to all! Below is the official English translation of Our Lady's monthly message to the world, as provided by the Information Centre in Medjugorje.
Message of October 25, 2004
"Dear children! This is a time of grace for the family and, therefore, I call you to renew prayer. May Jesus be in the heart of your family. In prayer, learn to love everything that is holy. Imitate the lives of saints so that they may be an incentive and teachers on the way of holiness. May every family become a witness of love in this world without prayer and peace. Thank you for having responded to my call."

I'm not a religeous person, and nor are my family, so religeon has never been imposed on me. Recently, however, my thoughts on religeon have changed deeply. Or rather my empathy for those who are touched by religeon has been affected. I used to just dismiss religeon. Religion. I just had to check my dictionary for the spelling of it, I had a suspicion that I couldn't spell it. I think that would shock lots of people, but that just reflects the impact of religion on me. Any way, I'm now much more sympathetic to people touched by religion, and this is greatly because a close frind of mine is battling with it, and it's power. Just to reinforce this Frank Skinner also had issues with it, and his Autobiography says so. I think I'm out of my depth here. Religion confuses me. What I do see though is my friend getting upset about religion. It strikes me that religion has been such a big part of his life that it owes him one. He's followed the rules, so where's the cake? Why should he do what the book says, when the book also says that what he is, is wrong. It's just too easy for me to say it's a big fictional farytail. I could say that, and be happy with that. It suits me. I might just be wrong though. I guess that's what religion is about. Just incase.

Last night I was drinking in St Helens, tonight I've been around Liverpool. I was drinking with my work collegue, Olivia. I never meant to stay out drinking after last nights drunkeness, but you know how things snowball. We were out drinking and we bumped into some friends of mine. They were my gay friend PT, his best mate Dan, a girl called Elizabeth, and Dan's new flat mate Steve. Now Steve is wonderful, he wears a perfect T-shirt, dances perfectly, has perfect teeth, perfect hair that stops in the right place, has a perfect personality, perfect smile, perfect fucking dress sense, has been known to shag Mr Gay Stoke, has perfect fucking hands, and is fucking perfect. Well thats fine by me. I'm not envious, No. However, he's only Mr fucking I've been to fucking Japan for a year as fucking well isn't he. Whilst I'm here waiting for a fucking invite for an interview that is well overfuckingdue. I decide not to talk to him about how great he found Japan.

St Helens last night was a different story. I hate St Helens. I was there because a good friend of mine was performing there in the play Westside story. After it finished we went for a drink. And that was cool, I hadn't been for a drink with my actor pal for a while, and it was nice to catch up. We toured St Helens, and we got drunk, and we ended up in some club. The name of which fails me now. I was bladdered in this club, but spotted some guy looking at me. I figured he was a puff, and as I was pissed decided to approach him. The conversation went something like this
His female friend approaches, says something to him, and then asks who I am.
-I dunno but I'm gonna shag him all round my room tonight.

Now who said the art of conversation was lost?


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