Monday, April 18, 2005

I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning. Like a whirlwind it never ends!

Well bugger me side-ways it's time to vote. I've never voted before. It was, I feel always with good reason; I never knew enough about politics, and I still maintain that I had no right to vote whilst I didn't know enough of the facts. I still don't know all the facts, and I suspect that 99% of the population won't ever see all the facts. Not that I mean they won't know everything that's going on in politics, because that's an impossible situation. I mean that it's very very difficlt to see through all the spin. Political spin is so clever. Take for example these two seemingly contradictory statements, the Tory's claim that over 40,000 children have left school without a single GCSE. Labour claims that the number of GCSE students gaining A-C grades is increasing. These statements made independantly make quite compelling arguments, the truth is they are both factual. Labour says crime has fallen by 30% since 1997. The Tories tell us overall crime is up 16%. It depends whose statistics you use. The Tories claim they will reduce public spending by £35 million compared to Labour without slashing spending, Labour say the figures don't add up. The Lib Dems on the over hand make their taxation plans look lovely, but A) their figures will leave them with a £700 million shortfall in the first year, and B) they will lead to people changing their behaviour and avoiding paying tax using loopholes, leaving an even larger shortfall. These are ofcourse the headline arguments being made, because they are popular issues. We all have our own reasons to vote. Those who own small businesses are less likely to vote labour - it has become very difficult for some to stay in business, and some have even been ran out of town, what with minimum wages, and the ever increasing red tape to rid a bad employee. Conversely, if you are a working class blue collar worker you might be inclined to vote labour, what with minimum wages, and incresed job security. If you were truely altruistic you might vote the Green party - now you see why the Green party won't make power? I'm interested in gay issues, asylum, education and global economics. I don't mind paying taxes, as long as I see value for money. I rarely talk about my political views to be honest. I often get very heated and stressed about the whole thing when I can't convince people how right I am, so I don't talk about it unless I'm pissed. So who will I be voting for for the first time ever? Well I can't forgive the Tories for introducing Section 28, which affected my time at school. I also can't abide their current political campaign - "How difficult can it be to keep a hospital clean? Are you thinking what we're thinking?" I'm thinking you make it all seem so simple and I don't like your dirty tricks; scape-goating populist issues such as Asylum and Travellers. They seem to do a lot of criticising, but I'm not convinved that they have the solutions that will provide homes for neither needy Asylum seekers nor Travellers who can't get permmission to live anywhere. I find the Lib Dems incompetent, although I have been a strong supporter of them in the past. So I'm left to choose Labour. It sounds like I'm choosing Labour by default, and that's not the case. I feel like they have paved the way for me as in individual, and a poof to have a better and more secure future. Gay people now have rights against being discriminated, we have civil partnerships, but most importantly, we no longer have that dreadful section 28. I'm not sure why I'm writing this blog post, there really dosn't seem to be a point. I'm just airing my views I suppose. So that's that.

The telly is talking French to me now, which must mean it's the middle of the night. I was always eager to learn German, and in fact studied it as a module at University. I used to have plans to live in Germany, but now, me being me, plans change and I'm now eager to learn French and spend some time their, so I'm glad the telly has decided to go au Francais. I was however always shite at French in school so I won't get my hopes up.


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