Camp as a row of tents
America is in uproar now that Mrs. Terri Schiavo, the brain damaged lady, has died since she had her feeding tube removed. It's very sad and heart wrenching, but I saw the videos of her, and if I was in her state I too would like to die humanely. I think if my loved one thought it would be best for me, and I trusted them enough to make that decision, then it should be allowed. Sadly the womans husband ended rowing with her parents and her siblings, but when she was in a position to make decisions, Schiavo chose her husband. As life goes, as we mature and we find oursleve, we choose who we want to spend our lives with, and offer our souls too, and it's rarely our parents. She trusted her husband to look after her, and make loving choices for her, and the controversy came down to in-law family disputes, and as is sadly often the case, the underlying cause, it bacame evident, is religeon. Euthenasia is against gods will we're told. In fact it's a fight against God. Bullshit. Not that this stands as a Living will, but I now would like it to be known that if I become in a poor state such as Terri became, I would like my closest to make a decision for me. I would rather not be left in this state, but I don't suppose I would be in a position to really give a fuck, so whatever makes you happy. However, if I choose to pass my trust to someone who isn't family...that was my choice. Don't squable please. You can only blame me now. I suppose this could act as an argument for gay marriage. When does one decide that their partner becomes the decision maker in such instances? Oh fuck, I'm thinking again. Anyway, I was side tracked. So I suggested that euthenasia could be good in the right circumstances (well it would suit me if I became in the state that Schiavo became), but starvation?!? At the end of the day, that's what they did to Schiavo when they removed her feeding tube. That can't be good. they don't starve murderers in America on Death row, they don't starve cats and dogs when it's time for them to say hello to the golden gates. Even pets have a more humane death. Surely an innocent such as Terri deserved a humane death too. Oh it's oh so complicated, and weird, and beurocratic.
I was walking through Liverpool City centre today, and a guy passing in the street said of me to his mate "What is it about gay people and scarves?" Now I admit, it probably wasn't suitable weather for a scarf, but when I left the house in the early(ish) hours it was raining, and at this later point in the day, I admit to be sweating like a Donkey chasing a carrot on a stick. But who said I was gay? I wasn't dressed particularly gay as far as I can tell - Brown jumper, dark blue jeans, brown Pod boots, brown belt, maybe the Jacket was slightly dodgy, but I'm sure it dosn't confirm 'gay status.' So this, and my draw on recent past evidence suggests that I must be a tad light on my feet. Yes, it must be campness. I don't think I'm camp. I've heard that so many times from many gay people, and all of whom I've thought - DENIAL! So let me take this a step further. I sometimes act camp in the aid of humour. Honest! Okay okay, I was never camp, and I actually do feel I am becoming camp. So what's the problem? Oddly, there are huge prejudices amongst the gay community against camp people. There's the camp camp (oh I'm so funny) and the straight acting camp (whatever 'straight' acting is). I will always try my best to fight against prejudice, so I will stand up for camp people no matter what the circumstances. I have no problem being with camp people, if any one insulted camp people weather there be a camp person present or not, I will stand up against that prejudice. And I am not talking shite here, I just can't understand that kind of homophobia. But it's now become apparent that I have camp tendancies. Not just from today, but also from what people have been saying to me more and more lately. And this is a different matter. I'm not too comfortable about this. It's weird. I am happily, and I think openly gay, however there are some times when I might feel like I would rather not reveal this information. Does this make me not out as a gay man? Lets say for example when amongst a bunch of seemingly straight guys, I may worry about how they could re-act. Maybe this is down to my own prejudice, but I also have to consider self preservation, and weigh up the risks. And suddenly it appears not telling people I'm a puff may actually no longer be in my control. I oouze gayness. I say gay. I don't have to tell people any more. Maybe I'm just a control freak not hppy about loosing control.
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