Golden showers
I finally got my mobile reconnected after the blighters at O2 disconnected me for non paypment of my bill. I could recieve calls, but couldn't make any. It acted as my mini-social experiment as to weather or not I could live without my mobile phone. I use that phrase deliberately because it ammuses me when people say they can't live without their phone. So I was always interested to see how it would effect my life if I had no phone. I didn't die, so that's good. Answer A - I can live without my phone. I became more reliant on e-mail, fortunately I have access to it at the mo, but the real problem was remembering phone numbers. I'd have to carry a diary with me I think, with all numbers and to keep track of my plans, an additional benefit of new phones is they have callenders now. Or maybe a file-o-fax. Wow...that's an idea. I'd love a file-o-fax. Leather bound. I found something interesting out during this unplanned experiment; a minimum 30p to make a phone call from a phone box. 30 pence!! I remember when it was ten pence, then not long ago everyone went mad when they made it 20p, and now they've just snook that extra ten pence in, I tell you. Anyway having your phone disconnected does have a huge benefit. I'm not alien to having my phone calls barred, and this often means I have to call O2 to cough up my coppers. Now I don't know what sort of a recruitment scheme they have at O2, but let me tell you they always manage to make sure I end up talking to the cutest sounding lads. Mark my words I won't be rushing to pay my bill next month either. I love that they never know what they are doing so I have to stay on the line for longer. I love bad customer service, it brings out rapport, communication, and fun. Well it does with me and O2 men.
Liverpool has just installed a beutiful 'water feature.' Essentially water sprays out of the ground, and makes an arch. It's nice. And romantic. And something that children can't resist running through, and drunk people throw their mates into, and come a glorious summer young love couples will want to run through hand in hand to cool their hot bodies. Great if you want to smell like an old plant pot. I was one of the drunk type over the weekend, and me and a pal got soaked courtesy of this water feature. It seemed fun but clearly the water is recycled through the system, and we ended up ponging of stagnant water. It ruined my night out. I'm sure this is to the joy of the local yobs who will take pride in their yellow water feature. I think they should put a taxi rank their myself.
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