Easter Bunnies
It was my Grandad's 70th birthday this weekend. We celebrated with a party. It was the usual family affair, home made apple pie and lumpy custard, drunk family members arguing. And being our family there is always some new gossip. This time, it was that one of my 16 year old cousins is pregnant. That's nothing new to our family, but we still seem to all have to act like it's such a surprise that this kind of thing can happen to our model family. It's a running joke between me and one of my cousins about how this seemingly perfect family is so far from it. What with divorces here there and everywhere, mental breakdowns, gays, and people comparing who has the nicest council house. Not the nice middle class family my grandparents hoped for. Nor in fact the family they tell people. Occassionally stories come back from people about how nice it is that cousin x is now doing his Phd, and congratulations on making it to Cambridge. All completely fabricated stories. To keep himself busy, Grandad has taken up Geneology, which is a posh way of saying he's making a family tree. Now it was always my understanding that family trees were meant to look like trees, with branches. I've never seen one look like ours, it could be better described as being a family afro. I'm sure there isn't supposed to be loops in them, and yet it appears Great Great Auntie May is also our Great Great Great Grandmother, and later became Great Great Uncle Gerrard.
I've got a mini-life plan now. I've been listening to lots of my friends, and now I've decided what I want to do. At least it's the plan for the moment. I've decided to swallow my pride and go back to selling cars. It was something I enjoyed, and I think I'm in a much more confident position to tackle any prejudice now, plus the law is on my side now too, so I could tackle it head on should I want to. Not that I'd want to get the law involved. I know I quit selling cars to do a degree, but so what. The degree was a dream, and now I've lived that dream. The next part of my plan is a huge U-turn in my original thinking. I'm not going to rush out and buy property. I may now never buy property. What's the point? I'm never going to have children to pass it down to, and it just ties you down. Instead, I'm going to travel. I'll sell cars in Liverpool or Manchester for a bit, get back into the swing of things, and settle some debts, and then I think I might go and work abroad somewhere. I could sell cars in any English speaking country I guess. I'd also like to visit France a lot more, and try to pick up their language. I love France. Naturally, me being me, this plan is always likely to change. I never do like making plans, but for the moment, to all those who keep asking me what I'm going to do next, this is the answer.
Happy Easter everyone. Easter never had an impact on me really, but i did notice that Easter Eggs no longer come with mugs. A sad sad loss.
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