Friday, January 14, 2005

My Blog

So...Here's my Blog. I'm not sure why I've decided to start writing a blog. I guess it's down to a number of reasons. A friend of mine just started writing one for a start, and I enjoy reading it. It seems to give an opportunity to reflect and think things through. I guess it's like writing a letter to a loved one which you never send, like a way to get things off your chest and blow a bit of steam. Perhaps to create a better understanding of what's going on in our lives. I'm currently reading Frank Skinners Autobiography, and it got me thinking about the idea of having my life documented. And a blog seems like an easy way. I never ever kept a diary, so maybe this won't last, but we shall see. Maybe you wont. You might decide never to read my blog again, after all why should you. I'm nothing interesting. I'm 25 so I haven't lived all that much. I'm a student and a barman. Sounds a bit dull to me. Well fuck you if you don't come back. This is for me not you, so there!! Am I aloud to swear? I never read the terms and conditions, I never do.

Its actually my second copy of Frank Skinner I'm reading now, I lost one. In fact I lost someone elses because it's borrowed, so I had to replace it. 24 pence off amazon though, not too bad methinks. It's been borrowed now for about a year. I have lots of books I've borrowed off people and never read. A bit rude that I guess, but I supposed they already read it, so what's the rush. The first copy fell off the back of a pram in Tunisia last week. I went their on holiday with a good friend of mine and his family. It's not my favourite place. The food is bland, and the drink is poo. Everybody there wants your money, and if they can't sniff a buck they can become unfriendly. Scratch that. I just tarred a massive populous with the same brush. I hate that, making stereotypes, it's unfair. I guess I can only talk about my experiences though. Here's a few examples. The holiday was an all inclusive package holiday, and as part of the package some dodgy looking geezers in the hotel told us we were entitled to a free trip to the nearest city Kabaul. So off we went thirteen of us in this old minibus with a hole in the floor, I guess quiet excited by the prospect of seeing a bit of the country. I suppose you might have guessed by now it wasn't as it seemed. We were taken to Kabaul, that promise was kept but we somehow managed to end up locked in a carpet shop for 45 minutes until we bought a rug. When it seemed that we weren't going to buy a rug they (5 burley men) started to get nasty. Eventually one member of our party caved in, partly through fear and partly because we wanted to get out. £75 that rug cost, and the truth is it wasn't that guess is Ikea do a similar number for a third of that. That wasn't a nice start to our holiday, and a trip down the high street didn't leave us feeling much better, people pestering for you to look in their shops, and if you didn't they even resorted to swearing. Furthermore, they didn't look out for each other, several times I saw taxi drivers and shop keepers literally fighting over customers. No need! Okay okay okay, I know I'm starting to sound like a wining old bat. There were some great times too. A 30 minute taxi ride were we were forced to clap our hands by the driver to Arabic music was one of the fun times. 'You tired?' The driver said, 'Well why you stopped clapping your hands? Clap!' So the clapping and much laughter followed. Although the driver was clapping too, and even gave us instructions in how to clap, clearly different arabic music needed a subtely different hand movement. This was ofcourse whilst he drove at break neck pace. That was something I found endearing about the Muslim culture, the whole, if I die it is my time philosophy. It's all about enjoying the moment, and not worrying about the future. I guess it also makes them want to get what they want right now, hence the greediness. Another lovely part of the holiday was riding camels across the Sahara, one of my greatest experiences. That was on a parr with a Gondola ride in Venice. Amazing.

Well, thats' it for my first log. I enjoyed that, hope you stuck with it. I'll write some more soon.


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