Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dead frogs

I went for an italian with a couple of friends of mine last week, one I go to to regularly, but on this occassion they had frogs legs on the specials board for starters. I've always wanted to try frogs legs. I'm not sure why, I just like the adventure of it. I have eaten snails before, and crocodile, and felt frogs legs should be next on the list. And here was my opportunity. The taste was dissapointing, they were tasteless, but I didn't really expect much more anyway. Frogs legs, like snails, are made nice by the sauce they are made in. These were in nice sauce. So I wasn't too dissapointed in them, but I did have a massive problem with them, that is that they looked like frogs legs. Like the legs of a frog. It made me feel a weird bit guilty, because there was no getting away from it that I was eating a frog. When I eat duck, it doesn't really look like a duck. When I eat pork it never looks like a pig, and when I eat beef, it never really looks like a cow. But there was no denial about eating a previously living object when eating a frogs leg. Even the feet looked 'realistic.' You see I have a theory now. If a martian landed on this planet and studied our animals, then looked at our food, said martian would never say that the duck on our plate was a duck, and that the lamb was once a sheep. But it would without doubt identify a frogs leg as being part of a frog. It might even get scared and be worried that next would be deep fried martian. My only consolation was imagining that the frog I was eating was crazy frog. That makes me feel better.

Former Cabinet Minister Robin Cook died. I always thought that there was a certain ettiquet about dead people that one should only say nice things about them. It was an oddly refreshing change to see someone on the telly just now dissing him, saying that he was an admiral person, but that he was incredably arrogant and won't be missed by the Labour party. Mary Whitehouse was a fucking bitch.


At 12:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, update it bitch


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