In the Navy
I've finished my degree....woop woop. No more coursework, no more exams, no more presentations, no more posters to make. I can relax. For now anyway. I still have the itch to study, so maybe in a year I'll consider doing a Masters. But for now it's time to celebrate.
The pictures down there are of me and my friends last Sunday. We did a charity walk for Sahir House, which is a centre in Liverpool supporting those with HIV. Between us, (The Village People) it looks like we raised around £700, which is great news. So if you sponsored us, thank you for supporting a great cause.
A friend of mine recently came out. Hoorah! He's very invlolved with the church. I'm thinking Christian, but I have a very basic grasp of religeon, and may have got this wrong. Religeon in some ways is a bit like science to me. Lots of words, fundamentalist, re-born, evangelic; it all just means 'religeon' to me, and I yawn. In fact it would offend many if I was to say I don't know, nor care to learn the difference between a Catholic or a Christian. That just struck a chord with me, there is no difference, one head, two arms, two legs, one soul, one brain one heart. I'm digressing. It's odd but most of the gay people I know are very Religeous, and this is odd to me. I know very few straight people who are religeous. The reason I find this bizaar is because homosexuality is so at odds with most religeons, certainly the ones my friends are involved in. Gay people who are involved in say Cholicism, have a much tougher time dealing with being gay, because they are so torn. They are led to believe that Homosexuality is against Gods will, and people are still suggesting that AIDS was Gods way to punish us. How difficult must that be to deal with. Something you very strongly believe in battling against such an overwhelming powerful and unchangeable internal feeling such as sexuality. And those around you, often family and all your friends will be religeous too, are telling you that this fundamental part of you is wrong and evil, and will often reject you for being honest to yourself.. I'm very lucky, I'm not involved in this, my family care little for religeon and I've not been struck by lightning yet. I can deal with people thinking what they like, what I am deeply offended by is when these people suggest gay people are also often peadophiles. And they really believe it, and often, they are happy to go spreading this propaganda, and do you know what, people in the street must pass me and think those horrible thoughts. They really must. And they must feel they have to protect their children from me. That offends me. It scares me. Back to my friend who came out, sadly he's had it implied at him, and one disgusting person even asked if he'd 'Dephiled his first boy yet?' That is very offensive. Thankfully it seems his family and friends are supporting, so I'm sure he won't let it get to him too much.
Emil, your support has been fantastic. Cheers. x
You need to get out and visit some churches. While all the world religions have traditionally been against homosexuality (just as secular western civilization has until recently), times are changing. I would venture to say over half the people in my denomination (the Church of England) have no problems with gays. I have come out to my vicar, my choir leader and a handful of my church friends, and they have all showed overwhelming acceptance.
If you go into fundamentalist churches, e.g. Pentecostal, charismatic, evangelical, Baptist, you'll most likely find a lot of hostility. That's the kind of Christianity I grew up in. But the kind of Christianity I now practice is far from rare, and is probably the kind of faith with which most western Christians identify -- open-minded, liberal, non-dogmatic, love-centred.
Btw, congrats on finishing the degree. Woop woop indeed! :)
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